Model No:FM-2408
To conduct the experiment of hydraulic bench, with separate experiential set ups i.e. Hydrostatic Pressure, Flow over Weirs, Bernoulli's Theorem, Flow meter Demonstration, Impact of jet and Orifice Discharge etc. which are accessories of the Hydraulic Bench
The set up is a self-contained, water recirculation unit provided with a top tray, sump tank and a measuring tank. Drain valve and over-flow are provided on the sump tank. A centrifugal pump is fitted for water circulation. Flow control valve and bypass valve is fitted in water line to conduct the experiment at different flow rates.Flow rate of water is measured with the help of measuring tank and stop watch. .Separate level indicator and scale is provided to read the level of water in the measuring tank.
1. Top Tray : 1060 mm x 650 mm.
2. Pump : 1 HP
3. Flow Measurement : Using measuring Tank (Material SS)
4. Tank : Capacity 40 Ltr.
5. Sump Tank : Capacity 120 Ltr. Material SS/ M.S.